In a job search, you're either getting interviews for the jobs you want or you're not. There is no middle ground.
Let me ask you...
If you've ever thought there must be a better way to get job interviews, you were right...
... there is a better, faster and easier way to search for a new job.
Instead of you struggling to get your foot in the door of HR professionals and recruiters... can use three proven job search strategies that get employers to call you for interviews for job openings they have right now.
Wouldn't that be nice?
For more than 12 years, I have been teaching thousands of job seekers how to get more job interviews faster.
They've ranged from recent college graduates to C-level executives (and everything in-between), and my clients have worked in virtually every industry.
A few job seekers using my strategies land great jobs in as fast as 2 weeks. Many who really work my system land exciting jobs in just 6 to 8 weeks. Nearly everyone who really uses my strategies lands a new job significantly faster than they would have if they hadn't used them.
My Step-by-Step Job Search Breakthrough Coaching System will Teach You 3 Key Strategies to Win More Interviews and Land the Job You Faster
I have spent more than a thousand hours studying how to find a new job.
I have kept track of the job search strateges, techniques and ideas that work - as well as everything that does not work - for thousands of my clients.
And I have packed everything I know into my Job Search Breakthrough Coaching System.
Here is a quick peak at everything you will learn...
Did you know HR professionals and headhunters spend hours on LinkedIn looking for qualified candidates for job openings they have right now?
That means...
If your LinkedIn profile gets found AND piques their interest, HR professionals and recruiters will call YOU about job openings they have right now.
But that raises a critical question:
How can your profile stand out in the mind-boggling crowd of over 430+ million people on LinkedIn... so HR professionals and recruiters can find YOU?
It's easy if you know how.
In your 1 to 1 personal coaching session and online training resources you'll learn how to build your LinkedIn profile the correct way including:
When you use the strategies revealed in our coaching session and my online training resources, you can create a LinkedIn Profile that represents you at your best and attracts potential employers for the types of jobs you want to target.
Most employers don't advertise their job openings.
There are many reasons why companies don't advertise job openings (e.g. flood of resumes, legal requirements, it's time consuming), but the bottom line for you is...
... More than 70% of all job openings are NEVER advertised anywhere.
These unadvertised job openings are called the Hidden Job Market.
The good news for you is... because they are unadvertised, there is often little - or no - competition for these job openings.
When you find these job openings and approach the hiring manager the right way, they can often interview you quickly and make a fast hiring decision.
You might be thinking the best way to open the door to the hidden job market is networking. If you have a large, helpful network with great connections - go for it.
For most job seekers, however, traditional networking is a slow, difficult, uncomfortable, and unproductive process that gets few (or no) interviews.
The best way to get interviews for unadvertised job openings is to get yourself on the radar of people who have the authority to interview and hire you.
That's NOT Human Resources staff. Instead, you want to contact the "hiring manager" - the person you would report to if you worked at a company.
You don't have to even 'cold call' these people. In fact, for most job seekers, I recommend that you DON'T call the hiring manager.
In our coaching session, I'll teach you exactly how to do this including:
Here's the bottom line...
This can be an ultra-effective strategy that puts YOU in control of your job search and is the best way to find exciting and immediate job opportunities that never have been and never will be advertised.
To have an effective job search, you should search for unadvertised job openings.
But you should NOT ignore advertised job openings.
In fact, you might mistakenly think responding to online job postings is a waste of time.
It's not true - more than one third of my clients land exciting new jobs by responding to online job postings.
The typical job seeker however, spends time crafting the perfect resume and cover letter, submitting it, and hears nothing back. It's a frustrating waste of time.
The difference in results is my clients know the secrets of getting to the front of the line so HR professionals and recruiters contact them for job interviews.
There are several ways to make that happen (I cover them in our 1 to 1 coaching session and online training), but here's the major one I want to tell you about now - Employee Referral Programs.
Research shows about 25% of all people land new jobs through an employee referral. (That's a very big number and smart job seekers take advantage of it.)
Companies love employee referrals. Many companies even have Employee Referral Programs that encourage company employees to refer candidates for job openings at the company.
When a company hires a job seeker who was referred by an employee, they typically give the employee who made the referral a cash bonus (or other generous incentive).
What does that mean for you?
Many people will happily refer you for appropriate job opportunities because their company wants them too... and they'll often get a bonus for doing it.
(Let me ask you... would you refer a qualified job seeker for a job opening at your company if your employer gave you a bonus?)
If you're like other job seekers I've helped, you might be thinking, "Okay, now I see why an employee would refer me, but what if I don't know anyone who works at the company?"
Here's the good news...
If you know how to do it (and I'm not talking about networking), finding a company employee who will help you get an interview is A LOT easier than you realize.
In your Job Search Breakthrough coaching session and online training resources, you'll learn...
Most job seekers "noodle" around job boards, submit ineffective resumes and cover letters, and then take a "wait and see" approach, hoping that they'll somehow beat out hundreds of other applicants to win an interview.
That's a mistake that can waste months of your valuable time and - if you are underemployed or out of work - can cost you tens of thousands of dollars of lost income, which is impossible to restore.
Job seekers who use the fresh and proven approaches I teach gain a HUGE advantage over most job seekers and they get better results.
I'm committed to my clients' success.
Over the past few years, I've invested more than 1000 hours creating a library of resources on how to conduct an effetive job search.
As a coaching client, you'll get 5 months of free access to these resources, including:
When you use these resources, it's going to be as though I was sitting in your living room (or anywhere with an Internet connection) and instantly, on demand, I will show you how to conduct your job search.
Revamping your LinkedIn Profile, going directly to hiring managers, and finding helpful employees might sound straightforward, but most people don't know how to do them the right way.
Most job seekers waste months of trial and error. I know just one simple mistake can seriously hurt (or cripple) your job search success.
Over the years of working with thousands of job seekers... I have made it my mission to learn everything I could about how to win job interviews fast. I've kept track of everything that worked... and everything that didn't.
I’ve done the heavy lifting for you... so you can be confident that you are conducting your job search the right way to land the job you want, as fast as possible.
I'm committed to offering an affordable and outstanding Job Search coaching program that helps you win more interviews faster.
When you use my Job Search Breakthrough Coaching system you receive:
It is a comprehensive package... and you get it all for just $185.
I know my Job Search Breakthrough coaching program is a bargain when you consider everything you'll learn that has taken me ten years to uncover and prepare... the success my clients have had... and how my coaching can change your career and life.
I invite you to schedule a free 15-minute career coaching consultation with me.
The consultations are an important way for you to get your questions answered and to see if my services feel right or not for you.
And they also help me to understand if I have the specific knowledge and experience to help you achieve your goals. If I don't have the background to help, I will honestly tell you that.
The consultations are by phone, so they are easy and convenient.
Simply use my consultation calendar below to schedule a good day and time that work for you...
I can also be reached at (646) 413-0020. Or, if you prefer, you can provide your contact information below and I will follow up shortly by email.
Go ahead and schedule your free coaching consultation at no risk whatsoever. This could be exactly what you need to achieve the career satisfaction and success you want. To Your Career Success, Jeff Neil